Ecological landscaping uses organic landscaping practices and integrates beautiful eco-friendly landscape design.

Your Yard is Habitat-ELY111

2021-07-21T00:43:49-04:00By |Backyard Ideas for Kids, DIY Landscape Design, DIY landscaping, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Ecological Landscaping, Gardening Expert Interview, Living with Purpose, Native Landscaping|

Show Notes – Your Yard is Habitat – Episode 111

Kara Maynard, Deeply Rooted Landscapes

Today I have the pleasure to welcome Kara Maynard of Deeply Rooted Landscapes in Dayton Ohio.  We’re chatting about “Your Yard is Habitat” – how your yard can make an impact and why you should care.

Scientists are learning that nature preserves and our fragmented habitats are not enough to support the little critters we love.  And without biodiversity, […]

Rain Containers – ELY110

2021-07-21T00:39:24-04:00By |DIY landscaping, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Ecological Landscaping|

Why you already love rain containers but just didn’t know it yet…

Show Notes

Why you should consider rain containers

Whether you call them rain barrels, rain containers, or rain catchment systems, capturing the rain provides healthy water for your landscape and helps reduce our burden on stressed stormwater systems.  Win-win-win!  Here’s how to do your part in helping reduce your burden on our water systems, as simple or intricate […]

Ecological Landscaping – You can make a difference ELY108

2020-08-07T11:23:50-04:00By |Easy Living Yards Podcast, Ecological Landscaping, Landscaping Priorities, Living with Purpose, Low Maintenance Landscaping, Native Landscaping|

Ecological Landscaping – Your actions matter – Show Notes

Why your conscious choices make a difference

Today’s links:

Prairie Gardening – Ecological Landscaping ELY107

2020-07-31T16:29:16-04:00By |DIY landscaping, Drought Resistant Landscaping, Easy Landscaping Ideas, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Ecological Landscaping, Low Maintenance Landscaping, Native Landscaping|

How to create a prairie garden – Show Notes

Creating a prairie garden

A prairie garden, meadow garden, wildflower garden – whatever you want to call it – is a beautiful ecological landscaping to provide healthy native plant habitat in your yard in a beautiful low maintenance way.  In this episode we discuss what is a prairie garden and how to install a prairie garden from start to finish.

Today’s links: […]

How to Start Eco Friendly Landscaping – ELY 106

2020-07-06T11:47:09-04:00By |DIY landscaping, Drought Resistant Landscaping, Easy Landscaping Ideas, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Ecological Landscaping, Native Landscaping|

How to Start Eco Friendly Landscaping – Show Notes

Today’s links:

Organic Gardening Basics – ELY105

2020-06-10T17:17:52-04:00By |Easy Landscaping Ideas, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Edible Landscaping, Organic Landscaping|

Organic Gardening Basics – Show Notes

Have you dreamed of walking into your yard to a fresh organic garden?

Do you want to know how to start a garden?

This episode covers the basics of how to garden if you have no idea where to start!

Resources for How to start a garden:

Beautiful Eco-Friendly Landscaping-ELY104

2020-06-10T17:19:19-04:00By |Budget Landscaping, DIY Landscape Design, DIY landscaping, DIY Landscaping Videos, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Ecological Landscaping, Edible Landscaping, Living with Purpose, Low Maintenance Landscaping, Low Maintenance Plants, Native Landscaping, Permaculture|

Beautiful Eco-Friendly Landscaping with Jen & Gary – ELY 104 – Show Notes

Today I talk with Jen and Gary on a membership call about their eco landscaping plans and how to focus all of their cool ideas into a cohesive landscape design that works for them!   Join us to hear about their cool ideas from growing fruit trees, christmas trees, native pollinator gardening, and butterfly gardening ideas.

Today’s links:

Garden Season Kickoff 2020 – ELY102

2020-04-29T17:50:04-04:00By |Current Events, DIY landscaping, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Low Maintenance Landscaping, Native Landscaping|

Easy Gardening Season Kickoff 2020 – Show Notes

Let’s step away from life’s drudgery and stress and think about how we can make a positive change in our lives and world with some simple focus on the land around our house that we call a yard.

What are you jazzed about for your yard this year?  How about adding some purpose to your yard?

  • Native plants?
  • Edible landscaping?
  • Veggie gardening?
  • Permaculture gardening?
  • Kid friendly landscaping?

Today, we […]

What is Permaculture-ELY 101

2020-06-10T17:22:50-04:00By |DIY Landscape Design, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Ecological Landscaping, Living with Purpose, Low Maintenance Landscaping, Permaculture|

What is permaculture? – Show Notes

I love permaculture.

But what is it?  Today we cover what permaculture is and how it has the potential to change your worldview and life.  Permaculture is a design concept has certainly changed my entire worldview and impacts everything I do.  100 episodes in, time to talk about permaculture!


Listen at your own risk.  You might get addicted.

Today’s links:

Healthy Soil and Why You Should Care-ELY096

2019-12-04T16:52:10-05:00By |DIY landscaping, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Ecological Landscaping, Low Maintenance Landscaping, Organic Landscaping|

Healthy soil and why you should care! – Show Notes

Today I am sharing a throwback episode!  We cover the basics of understanding soil health, and why this is incredibly important for low maintenance landscaping and eco friendly landscaping!  Soil is the basis for plant life!  Good healthy soil makes good healthy plants.

Today’s links:

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