Get Your Free Water Supply Now!

2021-07-17T22:35:29-04:00By |DIY Landscape Design|

 Here’s how you get your free water: install a rainwater harvesting system!

I know, you’re thinking it’s easy for me to say.  Heck, where I’m from in Ohio, we get 42” of rain each year!  Of course a rain barrel or rain tank makes sense.  But you might live in the southwest US.  There’s not enough rain to make it worth it.

Ha! Gotcha good!  No matter where you live, especially in dry regions, rainwater harvesting systems […]

The Opportunity Called the California Water Shortage

2021-07-17T22:17:30-04:00By |Current Events, Drought Resistant Landscaping, Ecological Landscaping|

The California Water Shortage: A Case for Aesthetic Ecosystem and Ecological Design

California reservoir drought A reservoir showing the effect of drought conditions in California

In recent news, there has been significant coverage of California’s struggle with its below average precipitation in the past several years.  Yes, they call it a drought.

Governor Jerry Brown and California State Water Resources Control Board have come forward […]

Must-Have Strategies for Stormwater Mitigation

2018-02-01T11:20:23-05:00By |Ecological Landscaping|

A call to action for designing stormwater systems in our landscape and the world around us

The day this post comes out marks the one day of the year where we celebrate the land we walk upon. We ignore it the other 360-something days, but not today. Today is special so we can celebrate Earth and all of its wonderful natural resources.

Happy Earth Day everyone!


But sadly today is not special. Today is just another ordinary day. […]

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