Show Notes

Today, we cover why compost is awesome for your lawn and garden!

Why compost is awesome

  • One of the safest and best fertility boosters of all time
  • General elixir for soil and plant health
  • Age-old fertility booster
    • Composted manure
  • What is it
    • Degraded & digested organic matter
    • Bacterial & fungal digestion
    • Nutrients made bioavailable to plants & organisms
  • An amazing natural amendment
    • Biology
    • Organic matter
    • pH buffering
    • nutrients
    • soil builder
  • Biology
    • Some bacterial-dominated, some fungal-dominated
      • Smell: sweet, forest floor, ‘earthy’ – fungal
      • Ideally want good fungal-dominated
    • Should not be hot – still composting
      • Can ‘burn’ plants
  • Chemistry
    • Organic acids – important for plant and microbe nutrient transfer
  • How to use
    • Spread as amendment
      • Late fall, early spring
        • Strain with hardware mesh
    • Mix into topsoil amendments
    • Compost tea
      • Brew a concoction to boost soil microbes
      • Spray across lawn or garden
    • Always use on surface
      • Can disrupt soil ecosystem if tilled or dug under
      • Can cause anaerobic conditions
  • Where to get
    • Municipal
    • Landscape suppliers
    • Stores
    • Tips
      • Smell it! Feel it!
      • Get as much as your budget allows
      • Get more than you think you need
  • How to make
    • C:N balance
    • Grass clippings + leaves
    • Rodale guide to composting
    • youtube

Links for today’s episode:

this is the aesthetic ecosystems podcast

I’m Ben Hale your virtual design guide

to help you and your family have a

healthy beautiful landscape with less

work what’s up and welcome to episode 14

of the aesthetic ecosystems podcast man

it is springtime and you know it’s funny

actually because here in Ohio our April

has been ridiculous it’s been like we’ve

had some night days that feel like some

are almost we’ve hit almost hit 80

already but then we’ve had days where

it’s crazy cold we’ve had several frost

warnings and and yeah it’s just all over

the place that’s the Midwest for you

guys I’m not gonna lie I’m a little

jealous of you folks that live slightly

closer to the equator and are

experiencing warmer weather as we speak

today when I’m recording this it’s it’s

in the 40s right now as opposed to what

might be more of a seasonally

appropriate temperature but regardless

I’m happy that there is sunshine I’m

happy that we’re seeing lots of birds

coming around and things are starting to

pop in the garden we’re starting to get

a lot of greenery and that’s all

exciting and fun despite the temperature

it’s it’s still fun to get outside and

to see things moving around so before we

get into it today I wanted to share

something I have had some awesome

reviews on iTunes so far I thank you for

everybody that’s left a review to this

point and if you haven’t please consider

doing so I wanted to share one of the

reviews with you today one of the

reviews is from n Martin and they say

love the new ideas can’t wait to use

these tips and tricks thank you very

much for sharing that these reviews go a

long way to helping other people

understand what the show is about and to

really see you know if it’s if it’s

worth a listen so if you think that this

show is worth listen to other people

that might be wanting to learn about the

show please consider going to iTunes and

leaving an honest review there and and

also to

I’m happy to share if you’d like your

name and review shared on the podcast go

go on over to aesthetic ecosystems comm

slash pod that’s /p OD and right at the

top there you see an option to ask a

question or to contact me about the show

and just let me know that you love to

review there and leave me your name as

well right now iTunes has this weird

thing where you have to leave a nickname

and it has to be unique so it’s kind of

crazy too

you can’t really leave your name there

and expect it to go through as a review

so if you want if you want me to share

your name on the show I’m happy to do so

and I’d sure appreciate you reaching out

to me anyway so so thank you very much

and again consider leaving your view on

iTunes if you haven’t already I’d love

to hear from you okay let’s get into the

topic for today’s show I’m super excited

as usual about this topic today we are

gonna be talking about why compost is

awesome that’s right compost is awesome

and if you don’t know why or if you

haven’t heard people rave about compost

or if you don’t rave about compost

yourself I’d love for you to stick

around on the today’s show and really

learn what the beauty of compost really

is that’s right it’s degraded plant

matter how can that be so beautiful well

compost does amazing stuff for us and it

really can make huge difference in your

yard and your landscape if you

incorporate compost into your into your

habits and your nutrient cycling in your

landscape so definitely stick around

today and learn more about composting

okay so what makes compost so cool well

first off compost is one of the safest

and best fertility boosters of all time

that’s right folks all time so Nature

has been composting for as long as

nature’s existed basically composting is

simply the cycling of organic matter

from a composed form like a plant back

into a decomposed form such as soil good

healthy soil so that’s all compost is

really is it’s a

a human version a human orchestrated

version of that same process that trees

and and prairies and plants have been

doing along with their friends bacteria

and fungi and all sorts of micro

crustaceans have been doing for eons and

ages it’s a part of the symbiotic

process of cycling nutrients back to be

used again and this is really really

really important for making sure plants

are healthy because plants rely on the

availability of nutrients in the soil

and compost really helps make these

nutrients available this is if you had

one general thing general tool for your

garden compost would most likely be it

is the general elixir for soil and plant

health so basically if your soil is

having issues or your plants are having

issues there’s a good chance that some

good doses of compost over time will

help alleviate these problems again the

the main point there is over time so

compost is not something where it’s a

you know fast-acting high dose thing

that’s gonna solve the exact problem

you’re having at the time this is more

of a systemic thing where compost used

over time boosts the health of your

landscape and boosts the health of your

plants as well and this is an age-old

practice so way way way back in human

history I’m not I’m not a anthropologist

so I’m not going to quote dates here but

there’s records of compost processes

being used for ages and ages and

composted manure has been used for on

farm fields since the early ages of

Agriculture it was found early on that

composted material placed on a field

that’s being used for planting and

agriculture can rejuvenate the field and

allow to be used in a much longer time

frame without the crops failing so that

was discovered early on and and compost

today is also very very helpful so let’s

get into understanding what compost

is and where you can get it or how you

can make it yourself

this stuff is all really important and

really cool so I kind of mentioned it

very short-handed earlier but

essentially what compost is is degraded

and digested organic matter and when I’m

talking organic matter I mean plant

material so so broken-down plant

material it’s basically the recycling of

a dead plant matter into a substrate

that can be used again by plants and

soil organisms as well and it’s

basically it’s kind of the it’s

basically the kind of the building

blocks of soil good healthy soil it’s a

lot of the the healthy parts of good

soil it’s a bacterial and fungal

digestion so it’s basically the output I

guess in a way it’s like it’s kind of

like bacterial poop but it’s it’s the

digested material that’s made from from

plants into a bioavailable source for

plants and other organisms so basically

as a result you’ve got this amazing

natural amendment you’re you’re full of

biology if you have a good healthy

living compost you’ve you’ve got all

sorts of biological life there that’s

really important for soil health you

also have high levels of organic matter

which is also very important for plant

growth in addition compost has a pH

buffering capacity to it that really

helps balance out the soil life as well

as plant health for for most general

plants that you’re growing in your soil

in addition you have a high level of

nutrients that are made available to

plants this is both different nutrient

compounds as well as minerals that

essentially become more soluble or more

available to plants and other organisms

and in general all this sums up together

to be a great soil builder for your your

landscape and so whether this is your

ornamental garden or even your vegetable

garden or your lawn compost really helps

any where you’re trying to grow plants

it’s going to

for the most part it’s going to help

that plant life there are of course very

few exceptions but in general most

plants are going to really benefit from

from the addition of compost to your

landscape so let’s get into some of the

details about what we just talked about

and why the different areas make it a

better amendment and then we’re going to

get into how to use it as well on your


so first let’s touch on my favorite the

biology of it so I’m just gonna try and

be really brief here with some of this

stuff so we can get to the practical

tips as well but it’s really worth

mentioning some of the biology and

chemistry of compost and this is just a

very very very top level view there’s

tons of research that’s being done these

days on compost because it’s it’s you

know every over the years has really

been discovered as this great tool in

the healthy gardeners toolbox I guess as

as an amendment and it’s it’s really

trying to be understood why it’s it’s so

great and what are the specific elements

that go into making compost such a great

thing but for the top level view you

have different types of compost you have

some that are bacterial dominated you

have some that are fungal dominated but

overall generally preferred is the

fungal dominated compost and if you

follow your basic composting process

you’ll end up with something that’s a

healthy balance of both bacteria and

fungi and and both of these groups of


you know the healthy parts of both these

groups of organisms are very important

for your soil so it works out great and

basically this is a you’ll hear me

mention this a few times but but when

you have a compost an indicator for a

lot of different things in compost is

the smell and so when you have your like

us you know if you have ever picked up

or just been in a forest and you kind of

smell that sweet earthy kind of smell

that’s you know makes you think of a

forest for a good healthy forest

that’s your fungal compost so actually

when you’re you know

you have compost it’s actually a great

thing to to pick it up and smell the

compost and just see how it smells and

if it’s kind of a pleasant that earthy

kind of sweet smell almost to your

you’re looking at good while you’re

smelling and holding good compost and

that’s your good fungal life in the

compost that’s really helping to balance

out that and hold together all those

organic nutrients present in the compost

and to keep them from leaching away and

to help balance hopefully your plants

once you put it in your landscape and

ideally you do want a fungal dominated

compost or at least has a healthy amount

of fungal fungi present these really

help balance out the soil life and so

while bacteria are important and crucial

for a good healthy soil ecosystem fungi

are also very important and they’re a

sign of a more mature ecosystem at the

same time your compost should not be hot

which means physically temperature hot

and because that’s an indication that

it’s still in the composting process and

that’s when you have more of a bacterial

dominated process so the early

decomposition phase is generally

speaking a bacteria dominated process

and while they’re they’re good bacteria

present there if it’s being done right

in the presence of good moisture level

and good air level you you don’t want to

be putting hot compost on your soil

because it kind of stops the whole

process when you kind of spread it out

your compost needs to be done in a dense

pile if it’s done properly for a your

faster processes and I mean when you

kind of stop that and spread it too

early or whatever if you get compost

that’s not fully composted from say a

supplier and and you do that what you

end up with is something that’s decent

but it’s not as good as if you left it

to go the complete process okay well I

could probably go on for a quite

extensive period of time on and the

biology of of compost but that’s enough

for now

and so let’s just talk

really really quickly here about the

chemistry and and all I really want to

say is for one it’s very high in organic

matter because you’re putting plant

material in and so what you’re getting

out is all of that organic matter that

that generally is is eroded that’s the

kind of one of the first things that’s

eroded from your soils and most of us

that live in a developed area are are

devoid of our top soils because when

it’s developed you a lot of times the

topsoil is either scraped off or during

the development phase that your soil

becomes so compacted that you you end up

with poor soil and poor anchoring of the

soil and so your top so it ends up being

washed away during construction as well

so either way your soil is mostly most

likely low in organic matters my point

here and so this high organic matter

that comes in with your compost is very

important and and when I’m saying

organic matter again I earlier said it’s

that means it’s plant derived but even

more specifically from a chemistry

standpoint that means it’s your carbon

and hydrogen chains that are coming in

and and it’s something important that’s

that’s important for a plant life and

the more you have in your soil generally

speaking the better and it’s very rare

that you have too much organic matter

unless you’re you know say you have a

pot that’s filled straight with compost

that’s actually too strong for your

plants generally speaking and not good

as well but but when we’re talking about

just our landscape itself our gardens

and such it’s it’s pretty rare that you

have too much so along with your organic

matter you also have what’s called

organic acids so these are organic chain

acids that are very important for plant

and microbe nutrient transport it’s a

very diverse group of organic acids but

but basically they help with nutrient

transfer they help with taking up

different nutrients and making them

available both to the soil life as well

as the plants in the soil and and in

general to your compost is just good at

holding nutrients in place and

preventing them from being washed away

so it’s for

forming these small aggregate aggregate

clumps of material that that traps in

some of these good available nutrients

so that other organisms can use them

including plants and microbes okay so

now we understand a bit more about what

compost is and so what’s it what’s it

made of

both the biological and chemical aspect

as well as why that’s important and so

now how do we actually use it in our

landscape that’s important too

right so okay we understand a bit more

about it but what’s the practicality

right what what does it really mean for

me so let’s understand that a bit more

the first way I think about using

compost is simply as an amendment so if

you consider the normal process that

people use of spreading a synthetic

fertilizer on their landscape they’re

walking around with a spreader basically

and dropping granules of fertilizer or

weed and feed or whatever across their

landscape right across their yard or

they might be putting something

spreading something around in the garden

as well and instead of that what you can

do is simply replace it with a certain

amount of compost instead so if you

really ask you get some good strained

compost you can actually use it in a

spreader similarly to what you would do

with your synthetic type material and

instead you might put on a little

heavier amount of compost because here

what you have is it is a concentrated

bunch of you know really good healthy

stuff for your soil you wouldn’t want to

use it and it’s full concentration just

you know 100 percent compost but when

you spread it out over the soil it’s

good to have a healthy amount of compost

added as an addition to your soil so

when you’re talking about safe feeding

for the fall or early spring are too

good times to use it as I’ll mention

later again but you’re generally using

much more than say what you would use

with a synthetic fertilizer because your

synthetic fertilizers are very

concentrated chemicals that are

available very quickly

and leach through the soil very quickly

whereas compost is a more a long-term

release type thing that’s slowly

building your soil health so when we’re

spreading as amendment yeah you can do

it in late fall you can do an early

spring and and generally speaking when

you’re spreading it a good thing to do

is kind of go through your compost break

up clumps a lot of people have this like

a frame that they make with some

hardware cloth and just say some 2 by 2

or 1 by 2 material that they can like

throw over their wheelbarrow and and

throw a couple shovel fulls compost on

and really sift through it just really

quickly that’s all you want to do is

break up any big clumps or aggregates or

material that might not have gotten

fully decomposed in there and it makes

it just much easier to work with as

you’re spreading it throughout your

landscape or or around your garden beds

or whatever and when you’re using it you

can also wait if you’re making sort of

top soil amendments you can mix it in

your topsoil as well as you’re putting

this around and make sure you’re

covering it if if say with a garden bed

if you’re spreading around it’s really

good to add a layer of mulch to top that

as well just to protect the compost and

prevent it to save from getting burned

by the Sun drying out too much because

again this is both a living and chemical

addition that you’re making to the soil

so you want to actually protect the

organisms as well to give the fullest

benefit to your soil and to get the most

out of your compost the next piece you

can do is this is kind of a somewhat of

a controversial topic but compost tea is

basically making a liquid concoction of

your compost and there’s various methods

about how to do this and how to even

boost the living organism content above

what it currently is in your compost and

I’m not really going to get into the

details but I just want to throw it out

there is is an option in case you’re

curious you can find tons of information

on compost tea but it’s another way to

basically take your compost and then use

it as a liquid amendment and you can

actually spray it over say I’ve done

this where I’ve sprayed it over our lawn

or on your in your garden beds uses a

liquid addition and what this does is

first you have to have enough organic

matter already present your soil but but

what this does is then it adds some of

these soluble materials that are present

your compost as well as a lot of the

living organisms present your compost it

gives them kind of a direct access to

your soil and so that’s another option

to do and one thing I would recommend or

almost caution is to always use your

compost on the surface there have been

some recommendations here and they are

about tilling it in for one I’m always

kind of cautious about tilling it can

really disrupt your soil ecosystem that

we’re trying to protect for our healthy

plants and for low maintenance and and

the other thing too is compost is just

it’s works best on the surface because

it’s it’s meant as an aerobic

environment that means an environment

with oxygen is kind of how we process it

when we’re making it and and it’s

important to maintain that because if it

goes anaerobic it can cause kind of a

disruption in your whole ecosystem with

your soils so if you’re not putting it

on the surface it can really trigger

something you don’t want to happen with

your soil so and that goes if you’re

even say planting a tree sometimes you

know you you may be heard

recommendations to put compost in the

planting hole I actually recommend not

to do that so when you’re planting

something like a tree or transplanting

instead after you plant then top dress

over the top of the planting area with

compost that can slowly percolate

through the soil in a more natural way a

more natural manner that is is more like

a process that happens in the forest so

something there just kind of caution

about there you don’t want to really be

putting it underneath the surface where

it can cause problems so where can you

get your compost that’s the next piece

and so maybe you’re not really set on

making your own compost or it sounds

like a ton of work which I’ll get into

in just a little bit but there’s also

available compost that you can get for

anywhere from free to premium compost

that might be a little bit more

expensive but nothing that’s too

outrageous because basically he were

again talking about the decomposed plant

material so what you’re paying for is

how well the processes manage what

quality of materials going in and how

well it’s delivered to you the first

area I would check out is municipalities

and local townships and governments this

isn’t always the case but a lot of local

areas will collect yard wastes and what

they’ll do with it is turn it into

compost and so you might be able to

access some of this locally sourced

compost material and in the municipality

does the the processing work for you and

then kind of gives it away a lot of

times for free or for very low costs for

high quantity and yes you’re not getting

the maybe the highest quality compost

there is but for the cost for one and

for the benefit you get out of it it’s

very well worth it and I’ve I’ve

utilized this multiple times where there

are a couple local areas where I live

that have kind of it’s like a free yard

waste pickup day where instead of them

picking up your yard waste you’re

picking up their decomposed yard way so

you can have you can get free mulch from

the local area and you can also get free

compost as long as you have something to

haul it in and I’ve I’ve actually seen

people actually come with they put a

tarp down in their car and then they put

some buckets on top of it and they’ll

just fill up the buckets and it it

survives the trip home without

destroying their car and that sag oould

way to get some free high-quality

material it’s not your the world’s best

compost it’s not closely managed or

anything it’s just kind of left to kind

of do its own thing and maybe turned on

occasion just to help the break down

process by the local municipal

facilities teams but what you’ll get is

still a composted product that has some

good value for your landscape and it’s

still worth kind of checking out so

that’s the first place I would

check if you just kind of want to get a

start here you can get a ton to work

with and for for a very low expense and

you know a little bit of effort but not

too outrageous the next area you could

check is landscape suppliers so you this

is anywhere from the consumer level

supplier or you can go to this kind of

contractor landscape suppliers where

they have big bulk distribution of stuff

and you can you know order a whole scoop

of material the whole you know a like

front loader bucket of material cubic

yards and generally get a pretty decent

price again here I would really

recommend for these sources to do the

smell check that I’ve talked about

earlier so smell it and make sure you

kind of feel how it feels if it feels

like you know good forest topsoil you

know that’s what we’re going for here is

as close as we can get to that is the

healthier compost and so again back to

the landscape supplier so you can get

you know a good bulk supply of it and as

long as you have a way to haul it or you

know rent a truck for an afternoon from

your local contractor store either way

that’s a great way to get some compost

as well again sometimes it’s not the

highest quality stuff but if it passes

the smell check it’s probably good

enough to use in your landscape the next

step if you want something that’s a bit

more convenient a bit more small-scale

you can check out a lot of stores

actually carry packaged compost and so

you can check out your local home supply

store as well as one of my local like

there’s the local Whole Foods that

carries during the growing season they

actually carry packaged organic compost

so you know that’s high quality stuff

there I’ve kind of read through the back

label or that just out of curiosity I’ve

never purchased the product but they

sounds like they do a pretty good job of

trying to manage the composting process

the inputs and the process itself to get

a high quality product and so with these

packaged materials you’re generally

paying a bit more than well of course

more than the free version but even more

than the bulk version as well but you

also might be getting a higher

a product as well so something to think

about there if you want to start small

or you want to start convenient or you

want to start the clean way I guess of

hauling at home you can check some of

those options out as well now for tips

so again just to kind of reiterate you

want to make sure your compost passes

the smell test if you get kind of a

rotten smell or an off smell that’s not

stuff you want to be putting on your

landscape because it’s most likely gone

anaerobic that’s where a lot of the off

smells come from and it’s not healthy

stuff for your plants that actually

might increase the opportunity for

disease or problems with your plants or

your soil itself so try and avoid this

stuff doesn’t smell good

it feels too like sticky or clay or

whatever that’s also not great stuff so

it kind of you want to have kind of a

loose crumbly feel but still clumps

together so it’s kind of like a little

bit of a wet sponge type thing if it’s

dried out it might not you know stick

together as much but you also try and

want to avoid the stuff that’s too dried

out and once the moisture there as well

okay so you also want to get when I

think about composting I always seem to

not have enough again I love this stuff

it’s really useful it’s great to just

put on your landscape and it’s it’s hard

not to do or it’s hard to mess up I

guess so you can’t do too much really

unless you’re talking 100% compost so I

would recommend getting as much as your

budget allows and also get more than you

think you need because odds are you’ll

end up using it and whatever you don’t

use you can kind of tuck in the back

corner and save it for a later time as

long as you’re not letting it leach away

in the rain or whatever so those are two

points there as well so a quick bit on

how to make compost I’m not going to get

into a whole lot of detail but I want to

give you a couple resources as well but

really the trick here is if there is a

trick it’s you got to maintain your

carbon to nitrogen balance so think of

your carbon a lot of times composters

talk about greens and browns so

grounds are your carbon Greens are your

your nitrogen source so generally

speaking your fresher plant materials

are higher in nitrogen and your debtor

plant materials are higher in carbon and

you’ve got to have a good ratio you

generally want a lot more carbon than

you do nitrogen so if you have too high

nitrogen that’s when you get smelly

compost it’s kind of wet and soggy and

nasty smelling you don’t want too much

of that but again you need some of it to

accelerate the breakdown process that’s

what triggers the bacterial degradation

process that starts the composting

process gets the pile hot so it can heat

up and do its thing and break down a lot

of that plant material and then the

fungus comes in after that to kind of

finish it off and get you a nice

balanced product so so the fungus

prefers the carbon part but it you need

that nitrogen part to kind of kickstart

your pile at the same time so make sure

you have a good ratio there and again

this isn’t rocket science so if it

starts smelling you add more dry

material your your leaves your old dried

grass clippings straw hay that sort of

thing or if it’s you know not moving

very much you’re not getting a good

amount of moisture in there and it

doesn’t seem to be doing anything then

you need more nitrogen stuff your greens

so you had fresh grass clippings or

freshly trimmed plants or whatever or

you can even do something like coffee

grounds is actually a good nitrogen

source to to help kick-start your pile

so that’s kind of some tips when you’re

making your own pile

generally speaking you need a pile big

enough they recommend four foot by four

foot by four foot which is actually a

lot of material when you come to think

about it but I’m here to say you don’t

need actually that much to get started

if you’re looking just to get started

here and make something you can start

with less than that but you want to

accumulate somewhat before you go ahead

and try and start composting another

thing people are concerned about is how

much do you have to turn it right again

this isn’t rocket science here so if you

put together a pile and you just say

what I like to do actually with our yard

is just

starting in layers so we actually use a

lot of our kitchen waste that’s safe for

composting so no meats no dairy that we

put in our compost but most vegetable

based outputs waste from our kitchen is

put in the compost pile and we layer it

with just leaves or some straw or

whatever kind of dried material we have

laying around to kind of keep some

critters out of it as well as form a

good layering of both carbon and

nitrogen so we let that accumulate over

several months actually until we have

enough to really start making some

compost and then we go to the next bin

to start filling that so we have a three

bin system not necessary but more

convenient when you really get into

composting and that first bin once you

kind of leave it go you can actually

just let it go and it will take longer

but you’ll get compost out of it

eventually and if you just let it go

or if you want it to speed up you

actually turn it so you can take a fork

or a spade and kind of turn your compost

so flip to the pile over dig through it

and flip it over a couple times if you

want it faster you do it more often

if you want to be slower or less work

you just do it less often and that’s it

really and eventually you’ll start to

see everything broken down get your nice

compost and again you use temperature

and smell as your indicator so if it’s

if it’s not super hot anymore

that means it’s most likely most

finished off and you can start using it

and if it smells good

again that means you probably have good

compost and that’s really it guys I’m

not going to get any more detailed than

that today because those are the basics

and the key here is just to get started

to get something on your landscape

that’s going to help boost your soil

health and again the more healthier soil

is that generally speaking the less work

we have to do in our landscape because

the plants are happier they’re healthier

they’re going to take care of themselves

and we don’t have to do it so that’s the

awesome thing about good healthy soil is

it leads to good healthy plants and a

good healthy family right so on that

rosy note I think I’m gonna wrap up

there the other points I want to make

you’re real quick is if you’re

interested in learning more about this

stuff I’ve got a couple resources in the

show notes but just a few points one is

the Rodale Institute is long been

researching composts and the benefits of

composting and they have a great book

that’s a guide to composting and it

covers all different ways you can do

composting at the home scale and so it’s

worth checking out if you really want to

nerd out on this stuff like I do it’s

definitely worth checking a check out

and also just go to youtube and see what

people are doing there there’s tons of

different ideas on how to do composting

the easy way or the fast way the the

lazy way you know the simple way the

cheap way whatever and see what fits for

you you know the pretty way right how it

looks nice in your landscape how can you

do it that looks nice stuff like that so

just go check out youtube or something

like that Google they’re both your

friend here when you want to learn more

about compost and they there’s just tons

of free great resources out there about

composting and also I have some great

links in the show notes as well I do

have a link to a friend of mine who has

some great stuff over at the 10th acre

farm so Amy Stross 10th acre farm com

she has a great article on composting so

I’ll link to that in the show notes as

well definitely worth the check out

there if you just want to get started in

this she has a great guide on just

getting started with composting and also

how to build a great compost bin for

pretty easy pretty cheap as well so

that’s it guys the next bits if you want

to ask a question again you can go over

to aesthetic ecosystems comm slash pod

Bo D and there you can get in touch with

me to ask a question to get featured on

the show or just you know to ask a

question in general and just drop me a

note there and I’ll be happy to get back

to you I’ll help be happy to share your

question on the show as well if you like

and with that to check out the show

notes any of the links we talked about

in the show today are available in the

show notes and you can also go to

aesthetic ecosystems comm slash episode

comments there

well for the show and to get involved in

the discussion and also to see all the

links there so the last thing to again

if you haven’t been over to iTunes to

leave a review for the show I’d really

appreciate that like Anne Martin did as

I shared today and I also want to just

share a big thank you to everyone

listening I really appreciate your time

listening to this show and I also really

appreciate you taking action in your

landscape that’s why I’m here is I want

to help you change your life through

your landscape to have more Beauty more

health with your family and also more

time with your family that’s really why

I’m doing this show so so thank you so

much for for listening and also thank

you for committing to taking action I

really want you to commit to take action

in your landscape to improve your

landscape and improve your life through

your landscape so just really consider

what you can do after listening to this

what’s something that you can do what

you can take away either from this show

or from other shows to really make a

positive difference for your landscape

and for your life and your family so

with that guys thanks for tuning in and

make sure you live with passion and make

tomorrow better than today


