I want to take a few moments to explain my intent with this site, as well as set some expectations for you.

I have created Easy Living Yards because I have perceived a need to connect two distinct practices within landscape design. The practices of conventional landscape design can be very detrimental to the surrounding environment. And although certain elements of sustainable design are being adapted into this conventional design practice, the adaptation is often to conform to the conventional practice or very one-dimensional. At the same time, there has been a distinct movement that focuses on ecological design over the past few decades. This movement is intended for the regeneration of certain damaged areas or to lessen the impact of development upon the landscape. While I admire this movement and agree with many of the practices within the ecological design field, many people find this practice unappealing.

Thus, the intent of Easy Living Yards and aesthetic ecosystem design are to define and lead the way in integrating the appealing aspects of conventional or aesthetic landscape design with the environmentally sound aspects of ecological landscape design.

Whether you are a do-it-yourselfer homeowner, a landscape designer, a landscape architect, or simply interested in understanding more about aesthetic ecosystem design, I intend to provide value to you with the content available here.

The updates to the blog may be limited to every few weeks as I work to fill out the introductory and ‘how-to’ articles that will be available through the menu navigation of the site as an informative reference.

If you have not already taken a look at these articles, I suggest you go check them out. They provide a foundational basis for aesthetic ecosystems design and should get you thinking about new ways to perceive our surrounding landscape.

For a great way to get started, sign up to my email list to receive a free guide at the bottom of the page!  Your subscription will provide you with blog updates, as well as extra tips and content that won’t be available on the website.

Since the launch of my site, I have recently uploaded a new article outlining ‘Importance of Easy Living Yards.’  This article rounds out a case for aesthetic ecosystems design along with ‘What is Ecological Landscape Design’ and ‘Principles of Aesthetic Ecosystem Design.’

Also, I want to let you know that I am always open to your feedback and suggestions, so let me know what you think!

Leave a comment below, send me an email, Facebook message, or tweet with your thoughts!

And don’t forget, love all that you do.

“Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
you will be successful.”

– Albert Schweitzer

Photo credit: Flickr harold.lloyd