How to save MASSIVE time on yard work!

2020-04-29T17:33:52-04:00By |DIY Landscape Design, Living with Purpose, Low Maintenance Landscaping|

Do you ever feel like you have to schedule in yard work?

Does mowing the lawn disrupt your weekend activities?

Have weed problems ever invaded your peace of mind?

Well, you’re certainly not alone.  But the good news is you can change your habits to better manage your yard for reduced work and reduced stress.  

Sounds great, huh?

The biggest piece to this […]

The Best Ohio Low Maintenance Trees and Shrubs

2020-08-04T11:53:40-04:00By |Low Maintenance Plants, Native Landscaping|

If you live in or close to Ohio, this article is a must read for your tree planting ideas.

Get the expert opinion of low maintenance landscape designers from across Ohio on the top low maintenance trees they use in their designs for front yard landscaping.

Below is a list of easy landscape trees for Ohio, followed by the contact information of these designers .

If you’re looking for front yard design ideas to create a beautiful […]

The Best Ohio Low Maintenance Grasses and Groundcovers

2020-08-04T11:51:24-04:00By |Ecological Landscaping, Low Maintenance Plants, Native Landscaping|

If you live in or close to Ohio, this article is a must read for your landscape ideas on ornamental grasses and groundcovers.

Get the expert opinion of low maintenance landscape designers from across Ohio on the top low maintenance ornamental grasses and groundcovers they use in their designs for front yard landscaping.

Below is a list of easy ornamental grasses and groundcovers for Ohio, followed by the contact information of these designers .

If you’re looking […]

You have the power to change the world

2020-04-29T17:39:57-04:00By |Easy Landscaping Ideas, Landscaping Priorities, Living with Purpose|

With some simple changes to your landscape, you have the power to change your life and potential to impact the world.

Do you ever feel like your landscape is a drain? 

Whether work, time, or money, we invest our precious resources just to keep up with the Joneses, meet HOA guidelines, or to feel good about having a nice living space.

With a new outlook and a few changes, we can turn this resource drain […]

The Twice a Year Garden

2018-03-15T10:01:56-04:00By |DIY Landscape Design|

What if you had a garden that only needed maintenance twice a year?  And it actually looked good?

Whoa… does that really exist?  Of course!  I wouldn’t make up something like that!

Okay this is actually something you can do

and it is easy if you do it right

and it can look really good

and it does only need 2/365-ths of […]

Sustainability: A No-brainer for your Landscape

2018-02-22T11:38:39-05:00By |Ecological Landscaping|

Let’s do a test.  I want you to read the next few phrases and notice your reaction.

Global warming.

Save the trees.

Mother Earth.


Is your head ready to explode?  

Well you’re not alone.  A lot of people get turned off by the polarization that occurs with issues regarding the care of our planet.

Regardless of your feelings regarding such issues, there should be […]

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