AE 013-Healthy Low Maintenance Lawn Care

2021-07-17T22:28:18-04:00By |DIY Landscape Design, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Organic Landscaping|

Show Notes

In this episode, we talk about how to have a healthy lawn and a low maintenance lawn.  Is it possible to have a low maintenance lawn that your neighbors envy?


  • Grass: Love/hate relationship
    • Aesthetics
    • Work
  • Maintenance
    • Mowing/growth
    • Feeding
    • General grass health
    • Weeds
  • Health
    • Chemical residues/exposure
    • Exhaust
      • Epa:
        • 17 million gallons of gas
        • 5% US air pollution
        • 600 million gallons used
      • Health
        • Highest heat time
        • High respiration
        • Inhalation
  • Easy steps to take control of lawn […]

AE 012-Dealing with Weed Problems

2020-07-29T17:28:01-04:00By |Easy Living Yards Podcast, Low Maintenance Plants|

Show Notes

In this episode, we discuss what to do with weeds.  Why are weeds there?  What can you do about weeds in your yard? Are there healthy ways to remove weeds?


  • What is a weed?
    • Wrong plant, wrong place
    • Repairing the soil
    • Taking advantage of unused resources
      • Space, nutrients, sunlight, etc
  • General approach
    • Pull
    • Spray
      • Instant kill, short term
      • Long lasting preventers
        • Residual
  • Why are weeds there?
    • Gather data – indicates corrective action
    • Weeds […]

AE 011-Soil and why it matters

2020-07-29T17:28:00-04:00By |Easy Living Yards Podcast, Ecological Landscaping, Organic Landscaping|

Show Notes


  • Simple principle
    • Good organic matter
    • Support microbes
    • Good moisture
    • Good air
  • What is soil
    • Physical
      • Texture
        • Granular size of soil
        • Sand
          • Large particle sizes
          • High permeability
          • Benefits
            • Well drained
          • Risks
            • High nutrient loss
            • Erosion prone
            • Drought prone
        • Silt
          • Medium particle sizes
          • Permeable
          • Benefits
            • Generally higher nutrient availability
            • Well drained
          • Risks
            • High nutrient loss
            • Erosion prone
            • Poor structure
        • Clay
          • Small particle size
          • Low permeability
          • Benefits
            • Increased mineral access
            • Stronger structure
          • Risks

AE 010-How to start a new garden bed

2020-07-29T17:27:58-04:00By |DIY Landscape Design, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Landscaping Priorities|

Show Notes

In this episode, we talk about how to start a garden bed project.  What you need to do before planting!


  • Overview
    • Site selection
    • Planning
    • Preparation
    • Planting
  • Site selection
    • Usually determined by architecture
    • If multiple spaces possible
      • Consider environmental features
      • Functional features
        • Access
        • Appeal
        • Value – make it worth it
  • Planning
    • layout
      • Ep 5 – design principles
    • plants
      • Ep 6 – planning checklist
      • Coverage
      • layers
    • Timing
      • Best times for each phase
    • Budget

AE 009-The right plants for your yard

2020-07-29T17:27:57-04:00By |DIY Landscape Design, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Low Maintenance Plants|

Show Notes

In this episode, we discuss how to find the right plants for your space.  Are you overwhelmed with what to plant in your yard?  Does the nursery always seem to let you down?


  • Reason
    • Right plant = less work
      • Happier
      • Fewer problems
      • Better growth
      • Better foliage & blooms
  • Know your conditions
    • USDA zone
    • Existing soil conditions
      • soil test
        • extension office
      • texture
        • clay, loam, silt, sand
      • structure
        • aggregates
      • Fertility
      • pH
      • compaction
      • depth
    • Water

AE 008 – Disease problems and what to do

2020-07-29T17:27:56-04:00By |Easy Living Yards Podcast, Low Maintenance Plants|

Show Notes

In this episode we talk about how to deal with disease problems in your landscape.  Are the plants in your yard healthy?  Do your garden plants need help?  Is your lawn diseased?


  • Types of plant disease
    • Mold, bacteria, protozoa, insect, etc.
  • Diseases and pests are indicators of deeper issues
    • Moles – excess grubs
      • Grubs – excess root zone death
    • Plant stress
  • Usual root cause – soil health
  • Investigating in disease cause

AE 005-Design Basics for an attractive yard

2020-07-29T17:27:51-04:00By |DIY Landscape Design, Easy Living Yards Podcast|

Show Notes

In this episode, we talk the basics of attractive design.  Use these design basics to increase your curb appeal and make your yard pop!


  • Visual Aesthetics
    • Ensures pleasant experience
    • Desirable place
    • Sense of place, being
  • Unity – cohesive design plan – not random use of elements
    • Symmetry, asymmetry, form repetition
    • Balance
    • Plant unity across site
    • Geometry
    • Hardscape elements
  • Form – implementation of a theme
    • Repetition of a theme

Less important, but fun:

AE 004-Time Saving Hacks for your Yard

2020-07-29T17:28:19-04:00By |DIY Landscape Design, Easy Living Yards Podcast|

Show Notes

Today, we discuss how to save time in your yard with tactics and practices.


  • Design and Establishment
    • Right Plants
    • “Low Maintenance” Plants
    • Proper planting
    • Plan for future
      • Growth – roots, branches
    • Plant gardens that only need work twice a year
      • com/2xgarden
      • Good fertility
      • Dense planting
      • Low maintenance plants
        • Wide range of conditions
      • Consider clover
        • Natural fertilizer
      • Plant a naturalized space – less work, rugged beauty
  • Maintenance
    • Increase time between maintenance routine

AE 003-Low Maintenance Landscapes Part 2

2020-07-29T17:28:20-04:00By |DIY Landscape Design, Easy Living Yards Podcast|

Show Notes

In today’s episode, we talk further about how to make a low maintenance landscape.


  • Low resource plants
  • Full coverage
  • Reduce lawn maintenance
  • Low maintenance lawn
  • Good transitions
  • Maintenance plan

Links for today’s episode:

this is […]

AE 002-Low Maintenance Landscapes Part 1

2020-07-29T17:28:21-04:00By |DIY Landscape Design, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Landscaping Priorities|

Show Notes

In this episode, we talk about what makes a low maintenance landscape.

  • Mindset – Life > Yard
  • Healthy plants
  • Healthy Soil
  • Right plant right place
  • Natives, adapted
  • Perennials
  • Grouped plantings vs isolated

Links for today’s episode:

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