The Best Ohio Low Maintenance Grasses and Groundcovers

2020-08-04T11:51:24-04:00By |Ecological Landscaping, Low Maintenance Plants, Native Landscaping|

If you live in or close to Ohio, this article is a must read for your landscape ideas on ornamental grasses and groundcovers.

Get the expert opinion of low maintenance landscape designers from across Ohio on the top low maintenance ornamental grasses and groundcovers they use in their designs for front yard landscaping.

Below is a list of easy ornamental grasses and groundcovers for Ohio, followed by the contact information of these designers .

If you’re looking […]

Bring Back that Wild Space!

2020-05-18T12:02:18-04:00By |DIY Landscape Design, Ecological Landscaping, Low Maintenance Landscaping, Low Maintenance Plants, Native Landscaping, Organic Landscaping|

Add a wild space to your landscape, and learn how to murder your lawn

Back when I was a kid, I used to go to ‘Nature Camp’ at the local park every summer.  I would come home every day with some creation, be it a bowl made from creek clay or some woodland creature made from bark and leaves.  There, we also would get covered in burrs traipsing around the wild meadow trying to catch butterflies […]

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