AE 013-Healthy Low Maintenance Lawn Care

2021-07-17T22:28:18-04:00By |DIY Landscape Design, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Organic Landscaping|

Show Notes

In this episode, we talk about how to have a healthy lawn and a low maintenance lawn.  Is it possible to have a low maintenance lawn that your neighbors envy?


  • Grass: Love/hate relationship
    • Aesthetics
    • Work
  • Maintenance
    • Mowing/growth
    • Feeding
    • General grass health
    • Weeds
  • Health
    • Chemical residues/exposure
    • Exhaust
      • Epa:
        • 17 million gallons of gas
        • 5% US air pollution
        • 600 million gallons used
      • Health
        • Highest heat time
        • High respiration
        • Inhalation
  • Easy steps to take control of lawn […]

AE 010-How to start a new garden bed

2020-07-29T17:27:58-04:00By |DIY Landscape Design, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Landscaping Priorities|

Show Notes

In this episode, we talk about how to start a garden bed project.  What you need to do before planting!


  • Overview
    • Site selection
    • Planning
    • Preparation
    • Planting
  • Site selection
    • Usually determined by architecture
    • If multiple spaces possible
      • Consider environmental features
      • Functional features
        • Access
        • Appeal
        • Value – make it worth it
  • Planning
    • layout
      • Ep 5 – design principles
    • plants
      • Ep 6 – planning checklist
      • Coverage
      • layers
    • Timing
      • Best times for each phase
    • Budget

The Opportunity Called the California Water Shortage

2021-07-17T22:17:30-04:00By |Current Events, Drought Resistant Landscaping, Ecological Landscaping|

The California Water Shortage: A Case for Aesthetic Ecosystem and Ecological Design

California reservoir drought A reservoir showing the effect of drought conditions in California

In recent news, there has been significant coverage of California’s struggle with its below average precipitation in the past several years.  Yes, they call it a drought.

Governor Jerry Brown and California State Water Resources Control Board have come forward […]

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