Embracing Energy and Nature Spirits – ELY 090

2020-04-29T16:38:37-04:00By |Easy Living Yards Podcast, Ecological Landscaping, Gardening Expert Interview, Living with Purpose, Organic Landscaping|

Embracing energy and nature spirits – Show Notes

Amanda Gates is an interior designer.  But not just any interior designer.  She’s an advanced feng shui practitioner!

Amanda Gates from the Home Energy Design Podcast joins us today to discuss how our energy and the energy of our spaces can positively or negatively affect each other, and how we can more deeply connect with nature in our own backyard to boost our energy and become more fulfilled.

Today’s […]

Why do you matter?

2019-10-22T13:38:33-04:00By |Easy Living Yards Podcast, Landscaping Priorities, Living with Purpose, Organic Landscaping|

Why do you matter?  My commitment to a better world – Show Notes

Why the heck are we talking about living with purpose?  I thought this was a landscaping podcast?

Well, to me it’s obvious.  How you live your life and whether you live with purpose and intent affects everything else in your life.  Including your yard.  So let’s create a beautiful low maintenance landscape that you love and that makes the world better.

Let’s make a […]

What is your story – ELY 058

2019-03-08T09:14:16-05:00By |DIY landscaping, Easy Landscaping Ideas, Easy Living Yards Podcast, Landscaping Priorities, Living with Purpose|

What is your story? – Show Notes

We’re all the hero in our own story.

Are you ready to fulfill your destiny?

Today’s links: ely.how/episode58

Today we explore how you are part of an epic journey to destroy Mordor. find purpose and meaning while freeing yourself from daily tasks […]

ELY 032 – Living a Meaningful Life

2019-04-18T14:56:35-04:00By |Easy Living Yards Podcast, Landscaping Priorities, Living with Purpose|

Today, we refocus on what is really important and remember to live with purpose.

Show Notes

Remembering Angie – my grandmother

  • We don’t control how much time we have.  We can control what we do with that precious time.
  • What is your legacy?

Today’s links: ely.how/episode32


ELY 030 – Living a purpose driven life

2020-07-29T17:28:30-04:00By |Easy Living Yards Podcast, Living with Purpose, Organic Landscaping|

Living with a purpose driven life – Show Notes

Today, we talk about living with passion and having a purpose driven life

Yes, I was bummed yesterday

  • Case of Mondays
  • Tendency to complexity

My beliefs

  • What we do matters
  • having a purpose driven life is important

Easy Living Yards purpose: 10% for people and planet

  • Food independence through local healthy food
  • Social welfare and healthy families through grass roots
  • Healthy childhood for all children – physical, cognitive, emotional

Today’s episode: […]

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